Hourly Shop Rate
Our services require skill, experience, and a a wide variety of tools and equipment. To pay an adequate wage and compensate our technicians fairly, we charge an hourly rate for most jobs. But don’t worry- we work quickly and carefully so we don’t run up the clock on your bill!
For extreme cases, we offer emergency service, where we will come to you ASAP, even if that means we put you ahead of other jobs. We charge more for this service to cover after hour services and any jobs we might lose by prioritizing the emergency call.
Hourly rate
emergency rate

Mileage Rates
Most of our work is completed on-site at your location. It costs time and money to get a technician and his equipment to you. Our mileage rate covers our fuel, insurance, and technician’s wage for the time spent traveling to you. Mileage is calculated based on the distance from our location in Dallas, Ga to your location. We do not charge mileage for our trip back to the shop. This mileage fee can be split with another customer in your area if you refer them to us.
mileage rate
$2.50 per mile
minimum fee
Roof Repairs
There are many types and sizes of RV roofs so it can be hard to give an exact price for your RV roof repair. See below for a rough estimate of our most common jobs, but call us for an estimate to get a more accurate price. This estimate does not include the mileage fee.
Re-coating: $1500
Roof re-seal: $500
Replacement: $5,000-10,000
RV Winterization Service- $175 plus mileage
Shoreline Mobile RV Repair offers expert winterization services! We are affordable and reliable. Let us help you prepare your camper for winter. Winterization service includes:
- all water drained from camper
- antifreeze flushed through all lines, traps, tanks and faucets
- Appliance winterization available for additional fee ( refrigerator, ice maker, dish washer, etc.)